What we do

A lot has happened since our first network meeting and the official founding of our association in spring 2023. Within a relatively short time, self-organized working groups were formed, which are still dedicated to different subjects and focal points.

The aim of our working groups is to create solidarity structures that support refugees in all situtations and to strengthen them in exercising their rights and interests and to strengthen them in exercising their rights and interests.. So streben wir an, möglichst vielen Menschen gesellschaftliche und soziokulturelle Teilhabe, den Zugang zu Gesundheitsversorgung sowie Rechtsberatung zu ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus wollen wir die Ermächtigung und Selbstorganisation migrantisierter Menschen fördern und diese in der Entwicklung von nachhaltigen Perspektiven unterstützen.

As part of the »Welcome Café«, which we organize once a week in cooperation with Katholische Hochschulgemeinde, we want to create places of encounter and exchange both inside and outside Würzburg’s largest communal accommodation facility for refugees. We aim to build a space for conversations, board games, getting to know each other, drinking tea together, and any other activities. Through this, the residents of the facility meet each other as well as people from outside. In this way, the isolation imposed on them shall be broken at least to some extent. The »Welcome Café« is open to everyone and is always happy to welcome new participants.

We consider political educational work and the development of an anti-racist mindset to be essential parts of a free and open society. That is why we want our workshops and events to contribute to sensitizing people to the causes of displacement, global injustices, and realities of refugees’ lives.

Not least, we are continuously working on expanding existing structures and on (transnational) networking with solidarity networks, initiatives, and other civil society actorswho already are or want to become active in anti-racist work in the area of Würzburg and beyond.